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РТА and stenting of lower limb s arteries was performed in 28 diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia. Technical success rate of interventions was 96,3%. Clinical success rate after the procedure was 64,3%. Mean values of basal ТсРО2 on the foot after operation increased on 11 mm of mercury. At a favorable outcome of treatment ankle-brachial index values increased on 0,2-0,4. Ischemia recurrence rate was 25%. All recurrences of ischemia were observed in period of 3 to 9 months. Cumulative limb salvage rate in 6 months was 80 %, in 12 months - 75%.

In short period of observation PTA and stenting in diabetic patients is able to eliminate the necessity of amputation in majority of patients. Considering weight of the general condition of such patients, presence of accompanying diseases, risk of development of complications of surgical treatment, РТА can be considered as operation of the first choice. 





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A group of patients, including 88 diabetics and 93 non-diabetics (patients were diagnosed according to A. Bollinger system) was studied in terms of occlusive-stentic lesions. The occlusive-stentic affection of low-extremities combined with diabetes is characterized by a number of distinctive features. The majority of diabetics are suffering the distal type of arterial lesion, while atherosclerotics suffer the proximal type. Diabetes functions as a complicating factor, forcing the development of occlusive-stentic process largely in distal segments of low extremities, meaning popliteal and crural arteries. This process eventually leads to the ischemia of low extremities.



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